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मधेश आन्दोलन पहिलो, दोस्रो र तेस्रो कसरी भयो । Madhesh Movement 1st, 2nd & 3rd

Kathmandu: The government has urged the groups protesting against the government to be sensitive about the transmission of Corona Virus (Covid-19).

Kathmandu: The government has urged the groups protesting against the government to be sensitive about the transmission of Corona Virus (Covid-19).

 The Board of Directors of the Covid-19 Crisis Management Committee (CCMC) on Friday spoke about the ongoing protests against the government.

 Committee Coordinator Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Ishwor Pokharel made the request in a press release.  He urged to take care of the sensitivity of the infection during the agitation.

 The statement noted the government's efforts to control the corona  While  it is matter of democratic rights to be able to present our demands peacefully, we would like to urge all concerned to be serious and sensitive to the current situation and the high risk of corona infection the statement said.

 Pokharel has requested to celebrate the amendment of the constitution which is about to be put in the map mark covering Nepali lands Kalapani, Lipulek and Limpiyadhura.  As the government has changed the modalities of lockdown, it has requested to return to its daily routine while maintaining social distance.

 Press statement

 Government of Nepal
 COVID-19 Crisis Management Operations Center (CCMC) Board of Directors
 Like many other countries in the world, Nepal is currently struggling against the Corona epidemic.  Although we have so far effectively controlled the corona infection with the government's plan and cooperation with the general public, the infection has been on the rise for some time now and there is a risk that it will increase in the coming days.  The government is committed to making the plan against the corona epidemic more effective, taking into account this particular risk situation, as well as suggestions from experts, the public media and the general public.

 The Government of Nepal has issued various titles for the prevention, control and treatment of corona.  The state government and local levels have also spent from their own funds on this issue.  The overall division from the government will be made public soon.  Although the PCR test being conducted by Nepal is more than that of many countries in South Asia, the government has decided to further expand the scope of PCR test.  We would like to inform that the government is committed to continuously improve the quarantine management even though the number of Nepalis entering the country from abroad has skyrocketed in the last one month.

 Meanwhile, the Board of Directors of the Government of Nepal, Covid 19 Crisis Management Operations Center (CCMC) has drawn serious attention to the public activities with various demands.  Although it is a matter of democratic right to be present peacefully with our demands, we would like to urge all concerned to be serious and sensitive to the current situation which is not normal and we are at high risk of corona infection.  It is the responsibility of all of us to maintain social distance and help control the risk of infection, given the decision to gradually ease the lockdown and return to normalcy.  We urge all concerned to be aware of the danger that even the slightest carelessness can lead to a terrible epidemic.

 We all know that a special decision is being taken by the Parliament of Nepal tomorrow.  The decision of the House of Representatives to amend the constitution tomorrow is an important moment in the history of Nepal so that the map covering Limpiyadhura, Lipulek and Kalpani areas is reflected in Nepal's target seal.  We heartily request all the brothers and sisters to warmly welcome this long awaited special day of the Nepali people and to reaffirm the fact that the entire nation is united in this regard.

 Ishwar Pokhrel
 Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense and Convening CCMC, Board of Directors


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